Asanda Kupa
Asanda Kupa is a rising talent amongst South African painters. He was born in
Molteno, in the Eastern Cape and has always been drawn to the illustrative arts. He
began his higher studies in 2005, furthering his studies in 2008 and also has worked
closely with fellow painter and acclaimed artist, Aleta Michelatos. Kupa has won
numerous awards, throughout his study period and after, winning the Reinhold
Cassirer Award in 2013. His expressive mark making and abstraction of the human
form creates a vivid and moving body of work that seems to explore change,
progression and alteration through the language of narrative painting in a uniquely
abstract manner. Kupa’s gestural works command a great presence in each space
they can be found and his investment of time, energy and emotion as well as
immense skill becomes apparent.